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  • 08/1998 - Petra Struck - idea and execution
  • 08/1998 - Website goes online
  • 08/1998 - Christoph Dietz - technics
  • 02/1999 - Martin Baute - English translations
  • 05/1999 - Petra Struck - newsticker via eMail
  • 06/1999 - Sven Drieling - recherche and scripts
  • 06/1999 - Martina Jacobs - English translations
  • 07/1999 - Viggo Hinrichsen - Danish translations
  • 07/1999 - Torsten Dudai - caricatures
  • 08/1999 - Dirk Baeyens - Flamish translations
  • 10/1999 - Ruediger Engel - event reports
  • 10/1999 - on Aminet CDs
  • 12/1999 - Juergen Mueller - takes over the newsticker
  • 01/2000 - Felix Schwarz - Amiga Link Directory
  • 01/2000 - Rolf Tingler - graphics
  • 02/2000 - Eric Gillé - English translations
  • 03/2000 - Felix Schwarz - BlackIRC with Amiga News
  • 03/2000 - Piotr Pawlowski - Polnish translations
  • 03/2000 - AmigArt - Turkish translations
  • 03/2000 - AmigaImpact - French translations
  • 04/2000 - Nico Barbat - Amiga Free Jobs
  • 04/2000 - Felix Schwarz - available via WAP capable mobile phone
  • 04/2000 - visitor number 1,000,000 at :-)
  • 05/2000 - AmigArt temporary stops Turkish translation
  • 05/2000 - cooperation with Amiga-Magazin
  • 06/2000 - Piotr Pawlowski - video text at POLSAT (pages 400 and 403)
  • 06/2000 - Martina Jacobs takes over the maintaining of the English section
  • 06/2000 - Felix Schwarz creates external rating inside the ALD
  • 06/2000 - Guido Fehst - English translations
  • 06/2000 - Ruediger Hanke - English translations
  • 06/2000 - Alfred Sturm - Aminet Uploads with comments (German)
  • 07/2000 - Carsten Berger - English translations
  • 07/2000 - AmiManiacs - -Turkish translations
  • 07/2000 - Sven Kirmse - English translations
  • 07/2000 - Daniel Reimann - English translations
  • 07/2000 - Tomás J. Cantó - Spanish translations
  • 08/2000 - Juergen Mueller - newsticker now in English language, too
  • 09/2000 - Carsten Berger - leaves the team because of practical training/studies
  • 09/2000 - Wolfgang Krause - English translations
  • 09/2000 - Peter Zahn - English translations - Board of Editors

Now that you were (hopefully) able to satisfy your needs of information about the best computer ever on the other pages of this Amiga site, we want to introduce ourself in short, and suddenly you are faced with us as human having affections, dislikes, hobbies, and other very personal qualities.

Petra Struck

My name is Petra Struck and I live in the beautiful town Erkrath in Germany near the Neanderthal. I am 43 years old, I am married, and I have one daughter.

During the last three years this website had many changes and was expanded very much. Since August 1998 I am working on my new project: This is far the most successful project, but also very energy-consuming and costly.

Very special thanks to my husband Gert, and my friend Meike who both ever and ever again encouraged me; who both were good advisers and listeners on critical questions, and who both put "my feet back on the ground" if necessary.

Christoph Dietz

Christoph Dietz always gave good advise and lent a helping hand right from the beginning, and cares for all the technical aspects.
Martin Baute

Martin Baute is involved since February 1999. He took over translation of the news into English language, and often helps me to better understand English texts. Since my knowledge of English is rather fair I am very thankful for this help.
Because of both, professional and private changes Martin surrendered the maintaining of the English section to Martina Jacobs in June 2000. But Martin will stay in the team and will continue to support us as much as possible. :-)

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Since June 1999 Sven Drieling, the issuer of the Power-Brei Magazin, took over editing of important news. Furthermore he recherches in the usenet, and in mailinlists, and beside that also cares for scripts. :-) Slowly we are growing to a real team, and I will get used to talk of we. :-)
Martina Jacobs

Martina Jacobs is part of the team since June 1999. At first we had the plan to archive all the news in sub-groups, but this appeared to be lunatic work and therefore was stopped. Before long the news will be entered into a database and then will be available by category, too. In the meantime Martina will help us translating important texts which have to be ready very fast. :-)
In June 2000 Martina took over the maintaining of the English section.


In July 1999 Viggo Hinrichsen agreed to translate the news into Danish language. Just fantastic, goes international. :-) Viggo is expert in graphics, as one can easily realize from his homepage.
Torsten Dudai

Torsten Dudai provides us with his excellent caricatures which distinguish on their cheerful satire since the end of July 1999. With a sure aim his caricatures are reflecting the actual mood of the "Amiga Community".

Dirk Baeyens

Dirk Baeyens translates the Amiga News into Flamish language since early August 1999. So now we are available in four languages. :-)
Ruediger Engel

Ruediger Engel supports us with reports about press conferences, user meetings, and shows, and by translating long English texts into German language. In June 2000 he additionally took over translating the news of one day of the week.
Juergen Mueller

Juergen Mueller composes the e-mail newsticker since the end of December 1999.
Felix Schwarz

Felix Schwarz from Innovative programmed the brilliant Amiga Link Directory for us in January 2000. Each Amiga related website can be entered there, and the readers can rate these websites.
In March 2000 Felix added as news service to his program »BlackIRC«, so one can read the news while chatting. :-)
Furthermore Felix has made capable of WAP for that owners of mobile phones are able to read our news, too.
Rolf Tingler

Rolf Tingler from Airbrush Paradise Tingler (APT) beside other things has designed graphics for the Amiga Link Directory (ALD). Greeting pictures at Christmas, Santa Clause or Eastern on were always made for us by Rolf. As his main profession Rolf deals with airbrushing; e.g. he created the Amiga designs for mobile phones.
Eric Gill�

Eric Gillé supports us with translations of news into English language since February 2000. Eric lives in Luxemburg, studies in Luettich (Belgium) at the Université de Liège veterinary medicine, and he is Amiga enthusiast since he was a child. Currently he owns a A4000 with CyberStorm PCC 604e - 200 MHz / 68060 - 50 MHz, OS3.5, and Linux APUS. Beside of Luxemburgish Eric also speaks German, French, and English. Currently he is working on a shared library to play Trivial Pursuit via AmIRC in any IRC channel together with other people.
Piotr Pawlowski

Piotr Pawlowski took over translation of the news into Polish language in the end of March 2000. Two or three times a week he will provide the news on his website. So is available in five languages. Piotr lives in Kielce and studies economics, finance, and banking at the SGH (Warsaw School of Economics) in Warsaw.

On March 29th, 2000 the team of AmigaImpact agreed to translate our news into French language under coordination of Stéphane "SteaG" Campan. AmigaImpact already since October 1999 publishes Amiga news in French language. So a wonderful cooperation starts, cause we are able to provide each other with news around Amiga. :-)
Nico Barbat

In early April 2000 our project Free Amiga Jobs went online, which we made reality together with Nico Barbat from the AmigaPlus (former AmigaOS) . Nico is editor at AmigaPlus, and furthermore is very well known in the Amiga scene by projects like Scenet - The scene gateway.
Guido Fehst

Since June 2000 Guido Fehst is one of the translators who translate the news of a day of the week into English language.
Ruediger Hhanke

Ruediger Hanke belongs to the team of English translators since June 2000. The team grows and grows. :-)
Alfred Sturm

We did not care for our "Aminet Uploads" section very well for a longer period of time. This has change since June 2000! Alfred Sturm completely took over this section and updates the uploads frequently. He will rate and comment (German) single programs which Alfred uses himself .

On July 8th, 2000 the user group AmiManiacs under coordination of Berk Iybar agreed to translate our news into Turkish language. AmiManiacs already provides many information around the Amiga in Turkish language.
Sven Kirmse

Since the middle of July 2000 Sven Krimse supports us with translations of the German news. He translates the news of one day of the week into English language. Currently Sven is studying informatics at the Martin-Luther university in Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. As subsidiary he learns "expert translator for English", which makes him matching the team perfectly. If he is not at the university (which happens often) he reads books and deals a little with HTML or web design (see Kirmse-Home).
Kein Foto

Also since the middle of July 2000 the English translators are supported by Daniel Reimann. Daniel is 24 years old, his profession is land surveyor, he lives in Halle an der Saale, Germany, and has an Amiga since more than six years. He started with an A500 and now owns an A1200.
Tomás J. Cantó

Since July 2000 AGUA supports us, by translating the German News into Spanish language. Translations are made two or three times a week by Tomás J. Cantó.
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Since September 2000 Wolfgang Krause supports us by translating the Sunday´s news into English language.
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Since September 2000 Peter Zahn supports us by translating the various service-sites into English language. Peter�s hobbies are the internet and raytracing.

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Comments, questions and/or proposals for this site? Please contact the maintainer Martina Jacobs!
Translators:  Monday sk - Thuesday mb - Wednesday dr - Thursday gf - Friday rh - Saturday eg - Sunday wk